
Services we offer

Services we offer at sunshine coast acupuncture

We are one big puzzle.

During your consultation in our Buderim acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic, we’ll start with the edges and gradually add pieces as we uncover what’s holding you back.

We do the tweaking, helping guide your body to wellness, so you can live your best life.

How we do that is up to you. Whether it’s using acupuncture, cupping or massage.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Thomas Edison


Sunshine Coast Acupuncture is part of an ancient eastern medicine system that has been used for more than five thousand years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), stagnant or blocked energy (known as Qi) causes physical, emotional and mental imbalances in the body.

When one is healthy and their body and mind are in balance, then Qi will flow smoothly throughout the body, along pathways known as meridians or channels. Hundreds of acupuncture points are located along these pathways, each corresponding to a particular body system, organ or anatomical region of the body.

The use of fine, sterile needs aims to unblock the unbalance and restore harmony and allow energy to flow freely.


Performed on it’s own or as a complement to acupuncture and massage, the ancient method of cupping dates back at least 2,000 years. It’s more than a fad used by elite sportsmen and women and can be used for a wide range of symptoms, not just for tired, stiff muscles. 


Struggling to find a massage therapist on the Sunshine Coast?

Experience a therapeutic, remedial massage tailored to your individual concerns. From busy, stressed out workers and Mum’s and Dads, to the weekend sports person.

Kylie has worked with some of the best in the biz: The Wallabies, All Blacks, English Rugby League team, QLD Maroons to name a few…


Pregnancy Massage

Treatments for Mums-to-be.

You don’t just go and run a marathon without training and birth is no different. Ensure you prepare yourself physically and mentally for the journey of birthing and your babies’ arrival.

Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful addition to looking after your health and wellbeing – which in turn helps your unborn child too. 

If you know that you need some help getting your health back on track, but you’re unsure which treatment is for you, then please get in touch and we can discuss your health concerns and work out which treatment is right for you.