Sunshine Coast Pregnancy Massage
Supporting Sunshine Coast women in their journey through pregnancy. Whether it’s first-time motherhood or you’re adding to the tribe.
Pregnancy is a sacred time that creates significant shifts in a woman’s mind and body with many physical changes occurring. Due to the hormonal changes and the increasing physical load, you may experience lower back ache, pelvic pain, sciatica and other symptoms.
Massage may help alleviate these symptoms as well as helping with other concerns including poor sleep, leg cramps, anxiety, stress and more.

Why choose Sunshine Coast Acupuncture?
Pregnancy massage is a bit more complicated than your regular massage and as such requires more care and attention.
As well as holding her remedial massage qualifications, Kylie has completed extra training with Pregnancy Massage Australia (PMA) and pre- and post-natal yoga teaching as well. This, combined with her many years working with pregnant clients, ensures you are in good hands. She has experience treating a wide range of conditions and ensures that each treatment is tailored for the individual.
Kylie will talk you through some basic ‘how-to’s’ for a good nights sleep with the use of certain pillows and sleeping positions.
Whilst treatments usually have a remedial focus given the ailments that clients present with, Kylie ensures that her patients are also left feeling relaxed.
Massage is an important part of your pregnancy health journey and I look forward to being part of your Sunshine Coast healthcare team.
Is pregnancy massage safe?
Many expectant Mums are concerned about whether a massage is safe for them and their baby. Generally, massage is considered safe although if you are concerned, please get clearance from your primary health care provider.
Is it safe to get a massage during my first trimester?
If you are feeling up to it and nausea hasn’t got you too bad, then you can have a massage. You can have a massage at any stage throughout your pregnancy.
A qualified pregnancy massage therapist will adjust positioning and treatment techniques according to your stage of pregnancy and any discomforts you are experiencing.
Again, if you are concerned, check with your primary health care provider.
How soon can I have a massage after birth?
You can have a massage after birth as soon as you are comfortable. How soon will depend on the birth experience and how the Mum is recovering. [see the post-natal section below for more info.]

Is it OK to get a massage while pregnant?
Massage whilst pregnant is an effective ally in easing the discomforts associated with your body’s changing shape. As pregnancy advances and the demands on your muscles and joints shift, your treatment will be tailored to address your primary concerns.
For many women, receiving regular massage throughout their pregnancy has helped ward off the most disruptive postural discomforts whilst also assisting with sleep and stress.
Treatments are typically performed side lying and supported with body cushions, bolsters and pillows. Some ladies really want to lay face down for their treatment and that can be accommodated with the use of a belly cushion.
“If you didn’t come from a good family, make sure a good family comes from you”
First Trimester:
conception to 12 weeks
The first trimester is an exciting time of discovery which sees the beginning of a new life. There’s a lot going on as your baby begins to develop.
Whilst you may not look pregnant, the complex system of hormones might have you reaching for the toilet or wanting to curl up in bed. It can affect your mood, energy and your overall wellbeing.
It’s Kylie’s aim to provide you with a relaxing, nurturing yet therapeutic treatment helping you prepare your body for the change and growth as you move into the second trimester.
Second Trimester:
13 to 26 weeks
This is usually the most enjoyable time of pregnancy. Morning sickness has usually reduced, the breast tenderness has gone and the extreme tiredness has lifted which means energy levels have increased.
Over the next few months, there will be significant structural changes to your growing body to accommodate your growing baby. As your body adjusts to the changes as well as the increased weight gain, you may develop aching joints, hip pain or back pain.
Massages during this time can help maintain general wellbeing and relieve tension from your aching body as well as help with relaxation.
Third Trimester:
27 to 40 weeks
Things will be starting to place a huge strain on your body. It’s time to start thinking about slowing down and resting. Really listening to your body.
During this time, it’s common to experience leg cramps at night, lower back pain, oedema and poor sleep due to the inability to get comfortable and also often due to bub pressing on your bladder.
It’s also a time of mixed emotions – excitement at the impending arrival of your baby, but the overwhelm and possible anxiety at the thought of the birth process and perhaps beyond.
Before life changes, take some time out for your own wellbeing.
Post Natal Massage
Often called the fourth trimester, the postnatal (post-partum) period is considered the 12 weeks after the birth of your baby. It is a time of adjusting both physically and emotionally to not only the birthing process, but the arrival and caring of your new bundle/s of joy.
Postnatal massage aims to help in the healing process and gently support the body’s transition during the post pregnancy and birth recovery.
It’s important to receive massage during this time to help relieve the neck and shoulder aches and pains often associated with breastfeeding and long periods of holding your baby.
With the use of supportive pillows, you are welcome to have a massage as soon as you feel comfortable. Women have found it helpful especially after a particular active or labour-intensive birth.